Just Law Journal
Insights from the attorneys of Comar Mollé LLP
Business Considerations in Addressing Climate Change Impacts
As climate change impacts worsen in response to a warming planet, businesses should undertake a comprehensive review of their practices to ensure compliance with applicable laws and resilience to climate change.
Advising Purpose-Driven Organizations
Purpose-driven organizations combine (i) economic viability and sustainability with (ii) a specific organizational mission and (iii) a unique set of organizational values and promises, with equal priority placed on all three components.
Climate Change Legal Strategy: Key Considerations
As greenhouse gases continue their relentless rise into the atmosphere, companies must assess the risks of climate change to their businesses and to their boards.
A Definition of “Ecocide” Announced
Legal experts have formulated an agreed-upon definition of ecocide that could have international criminal effect.
A New Climate of Risk: What Companies Need to Know About Novel Categories of ESG Risks
New categories of climate change-related risks could adversely impact current business practices and must be analyzed and addressed.