Just Law Journal
Insights from the attorneys of Comar Mollé LLP
Inter-American Court of Human Rights to Issue Advisory Opinion on the Climate Emergency
Companies doing business in the Americas should keep an eye out for this forthcoming advisory opinion and assess how the final opinion will impact their operations or otherwise impose or clarify legal obligations regarding climate change.
Business Considerations in Addressing Climate Change Impacts
As climate change impacts worsen in response to a warming planet, businesses should undertake a comprehensive review of their practices to ensure compliance with applicable laws and resilience to climate change.
Due Diligence Questions in Climate Tech Ventures
Due diligence on climate tech ventures may require additional frameworks above and beyond that of other kinds of tech ventures.
Climate Change Legal Strategy: Key Considerations
As greenhouse gases continue their relentless rise into the atmosphere, companies must assess the risks of climate change to their businesses and to their boards.
A Definition of “Ecocide” Announced
Legal experts have formulated an agreed-upon definition of ecocide that could have international criminal effect.
A New Climate of Risk: What Companies Need to Know About Novel Categories of ESG Risks
New categories of climate change-related risks could adversely impact current business practices and must be analyzed and addressed.